Walmart Dad Lapses
Walmart Dad Lapses
Walk into a Walmart store and you will be surprised at the different kinds of characters you will find there going about their shopping. Dads, needless to say, top the tier of shoppers who end up doing the most hilarious and bewildering stuff. From wearing scary masks to seeming forgetting their toddlers at a particular corner at the store, here is more of what catches the eyes!
10. It has Never Been Better
Isn’t it a delight when the little ones learn how to get on their own two feet and do a bit of walking? For a dad who shops at a Walmart store, you will be satisfied to know that the numerous items in the different catalogues will not only make your baby walk but inadvertently run for dear life. Choices on all the diverse products are unlimited and there no longer exists a reason as to why you shouldn’t be the dad of the year! Are you ready for this?!
9. A Babies Halloween
When babies come tagging along, the father will more often than not have to go out for an endless list of diapers. This is time that will be used in the best way humanly possible! Sure it’s boring to walk down the store every now and then but therein lies the opportunity to explore other ‘more interesting and sudden’ aspects of your life. Yeah, like scaring the hell out of the little ones.
8. Are You A Gamer Dad?
When you thought of it least, you come across that game you’ve always been meaning to play but didn’t get an appropriate time. Now you’re like, look around. The store is virtually empty so no one is going to come in suddenly and make away with the baby. Another thought, that trolley doesn’t move coz it has no rollers on! You could also go with; she loves the view from in there as she watches me become her champion. Sounds right off the hook right?
7. The Booze Boy
Just at a glance, look at the boy’s haircut? Does that seem responsible enough to be left home alone when going on a booze shopping spree? Hell no! So what other options does daddy have left? Only this; take him into Walmart and put him right inside that trolley flowing over with booze. If he’s at least top of his math class, he will help you along with the math in booze and hopefully you won’t get it wrong like you did last time and have to go back at it again midweek.
6. There’s Absolutely No Time!
What is that one thing that dads are loved for? They don’t like creating an unnecessary fuss better than they like creating an uncalled for muss. So, what to do when the baby refuses to walk out of the store? Simple as a pie! Lift them by the back of their belt like this dad did and get going without wasting any more time sweet talking them of how you’re going to get them extra niceties. After all, you’d be crazy to think that dad has all day. Hanging around the store might be fu for you but not to his dear old wallet!
5. Aren’t We Past the Age of Wearing Short Shorts Already?
Well, an eerily long time ago, wearing short shorts was a fancy. It was more like bringing irony into the shorts sides of life. At this very moment, walking into a Walmart store when wearing short shorts is bound to be an absolute cracker. Both for you and that unlucky person you are tagging along with. Or do your girls somehow still hold the thought that short shorts are very cute on you? That’s a thought to be practiced in your house. A Walmart Store isn’t the best place for that.
4. Having Some Underwear Breakfast
When such high percentages of flesh are left exposed for all and sundry to have a lengthy glance at, you probably end up thinking that they might be headed in the right direction. The clothes section for crying out loud! But hey, they are just taking a leisurely down the cereals sections to get their favorite breakfast. That explains where they get the energy to sustain strong stares even when they are doing virtually everything wrong here!
3. A Wal-cut
Over the years, there is always a motto by which affable dads have gone by. And it has stuck and will continue to. Always, hard work should come before any form of play wouldn’t you agree. Don’t those two hair dos seem way off the charts for some reason? Well, daughter here looked over daddy and wished for only one thing. That she grows a lengthy mound of hair just like that one a daddy’s head. And we have an undisputed Wal-cut winner for today and probably the next many months ahead!
2. Will You Hold These For Me?
Let’s face it; it might not be dad’s fault on this one. He was more than willing to go grab a basket but other things came up. Or rather, the baby started doing the grabbing before dad had a chance at a bucket. It is possible that he willingly grabbed every item at the store that he could get his tin hands on to. On the other side, dad might have thought that the baby is growing too fast and is now able to handle bigger responsibilities without creating a fuss.
1. The Bargain Pit
That tiny adorable baby girl is learning a very valuable lesson right there; the value attached to five dollars is indeed very great and cannot be overemphasized. By now, dad is probably not noticing the baby and will pick her last. Before then, there is a numerous number of all time favorite movies that will be picked to be watched at a later time, once again, with the baby lying around.