Write For Us

Write For DailyEntertainment

Interested In Being A Writer For DailyEntertainment?

We are always looking for strong passionate writers who are motivated to work and analyze sports topics in depth. Click here to check out our FAQs →

DailyEntertainment is a known reputable brand and a strong sports resource covering mainly timely events and interesting facts about high profile athletes.

What We Are Looking For

We are looking for wrtiers who can produce in depth premium content in the following channels:

  • NFL
  • NBA
  • MLB
  • NHL
  • Football / Soccer
  • Wrestling
  • Entertainment /Funny

Contributor Program Facts

Two very important facts about our contributor program: (FAQs here)

Will I get credit as the author? YES
Will I get paid? YES

Apply Today!

If you think you have what it takes and you are ready to write premium in-depth interesting articles, apply today to become a contributor. Note: we do not accept any guest posts at the moment. Include some examples of your work if possible.

Which channel are you interested in covering? *(required)